Have you ever gotten a confirmation email and it looks like this? Now you may be asking yourself, “what’s wrong here?” The answer is nothing. Nothing is wrong here. It’s your standard confirmation email.

So why should we go beyond the standard confirmation email then? The answer is, when consumers purchase a product, they want to feel like they made the right decision. This is all the more true with luxury brands like RETROSUPERFUTURE. Instead of treating confirmation emails like just a receipt, companies can use them as another touchpoint in the marketing funnel to further instill excitement and anticipation in a customer’s purchase and mitigate buyers remorse.

I asked myself, how can we make a luxury retailer’s confirmation email more personal? Simple: custom imagery and custom messaging. The idea here is that for each pair of sunglasses that a customer orders, there is a custom image and message from the founder associated with that specific SKU as well as blog posts related to your most recent purchase.

This gif would be included in the email to give more visual interest upon opening the email.